The Future of the Project

In the previous dev log, I said that I would be creating a boss battle but I'm not so sure about that anymore.

This game was made as a practice and never intended to be a fully functioning game. I aimed too high and I have lost interest in making this project, it just isn't what I envisioned.

You will be able to download the game at it's current state and no updates will be made.

I am going to go over the reasons why I lost interest:

The game began as a game for me to practice with. I have learnt a lot from this creating this game and it has been very helpful which was how it was intended anyways. It has taken me a week to get where I am and I am quite happy with it.

It isn't worth the effort. I enjoyed creating it but there is no point in expanding upon it as the game is good in it's current state. It is infinite and should remain like it is because it is actually quite enjoyable.

Future projects. This game is holding me back; there is only so much that can be added to the game without making it a bore. I really want to create other projects with other mechanics and different styles to learn more. My programming skill will not improve if I remain creating the same game forever, I won't learn anything.

I wanted the game to be released after a few days but I realised what I told myself at the beginning: 'you have 3 days to create a game'. I had gone too far and I had taken a small prototype way too far. I want to challenge myself but by not following my deadline: I was not challenging myself as much.

I may create artistic updates to the game in the future, but I don't know about that yet.

Anyways, I will see you all later. Have a nice day!

Get The Battle of Light and Dark

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