Update 0.2

Upon release, the game was very unfinished and it still is. 

However, over the past day, I have made a significant amount of progress. Welcome to version 0.2!

Firstly, I have put some temporary audio into the game. This will not be the final product and it will definitely be changed to a better standard. Putting audio into the game was tedious but I did it anyways.

Secondly, I have put some more particles into the game - which really makes the game more fun and enjoyable. You will see what I mean.

Thirdly, I have fixed some bugs, but not all of them:

  • UI Scaling Error
  • Spawnpoint very close to player
  • Particles in front of player

Bugs I am aware of:

  • Getting stuck in the ground when going left (go right and left again in order to fix for the time being.)

Fourthly, the map is now a little bit larger which allows for easier ability to dodge the light without giving the player an unfair advantage/disadvantage.

Finally, I have added a scoring system based on how long you have survived (in seconds.) The white score on the left represents your current score and the red score on the right represents your highest score. I plan to expand this and allow you to input a name for a local leaderboard based on your results on that PC. This will allow for some fun with the family, I guess.

If you would like to know what is in store for the game in the future please check the roadmap in the description of the game.

Please report bugs to me in the comments and I will attempt to fix them as fast as I possibly can.

Thank you for reading! Happy gaming!


Light and Dark V0.2.zip 13 MB
Oct 29, 2018

Get The Battle of Light and Dark

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